You know you can count on me
When the world shrinks I'll hold you
Between heaven and earth, we will be one,
And in the light of dawn, I will kiss you
My lover, my friend, count on me
When the voices fade
I will whisper words of love in your ears
And we will create light in oblivion,
You know you count on me
When the music loses its meaning
We will look for the divine chords,
And we'll play melodies of hope
When the earth shakes under your feet
You know you can count on me,
I'll be stronger than a rock
With an unshakable will, we will win,
Count on me in the dark night
When all worldliness exasperates us,
Between the sheets, I'll take your hand
Our lips together will create a new world
Just you and me. My love, between day and night,
The cold streets, the nameless faces,
The thousand moons, the sun, the stars,
Between the bitter and the sweet nectar of what we lived.